Wednesday, September 7, 2011

VBS Is Over!!!

Yes, I actually just finished all the little post VBS jobs that have been waiting for me since July. about procrastination...  (maybe tomorrow)  Anyway, I finally bought and finished making the guy's teacher appreciation gifts which means I can turn in my receipts, which means I can plow full speed ahead into planning next year's VBS! 

I like how this year's gifts turned out.  Since it was a military theme I wanted to get something along the same lines, so this is what I came up with... 

OK, so its not super military, but I like it!

I get a lot of questions about how I develop my VBS curriculum.  I'm hoping to document the procedure here and share some of the things I've learned and resources I use.  Be on the look out!

For now I am Northwoods bound (a very happy thought!)  Pics coming in a couple weeks!

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