Tuesday, April 27, 2010

VBS inspiration

Its no secret that this year's VBS has a farm theme. It is also no secret that I am a country girl at heart. (my email address, the cowboy boot necklace that I wear all the time, my attempt at keeping chickens in a very tight space, the fact that I volunteer at a barn...need I mention the theme I picked for the VBS?) So I didn't think it would be that hard to come up with plenty of curriculum ideas. While I have bushels of ideas, they had not been coming together quite like I had wanted them to. Writer's block had set in, my creativity quit and I grew tired of trying to make something work that seemed set on doing quite the opposite! Then, inspiration knocked. Literally. (well, o.k, it was the door bell) Some friends stopped by with some things for me from a mutual friend who knew of the VBS. Out from the trunk of their car they produced a variety of farmish looking things! Wicker baskets, metal buckets, milk jugs, a small wagon, lanterns, a pump, a pair of overalls... yep, I am happy! It was just what I needed to get my creative juices flowing again! For some reason, it is so much easer to write skits when you have an abundance of amazing props in front of you. You can sit down to write a skit to illustrate a particular lesson, but if you don't have any inspiration, you're sunk. Thanks Annick! You made my day, and quite possibly, the VBS!


Unknown said...

Yay!!!! Thanks for sharing! Isn't God so great?
Love ya :)

Catrina said...

You know, after I took a closer look at the picture I began to realize that you had a few of the same things we did! WAIT! They are ours!!! :D

Have fun and let that creative mind of your burst with ideas! Just don't get to over loaded with them!!


Nik said...

LOL!!! Glad to be of service :) How are the plans coming?

The Marshall Artists said...

Oh such fun! Can't wait to see what you come up with!!

(take pictures of all the action...please!!!)
